Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Getting a Grip on Garbage
Getting a Grip on Garbage Getting a Grip on Garbage Getting a Grip on GarbageResearchers have explored many questions when it comes to space travel Where will humans live? What kinds of foods will they eat? And more. But answering the question of how humans will dispose of all the garbage they create in space? Thats a question that hasnt been given very much thought, until now.Hao Jiang, a graduate student at Stanford University, is part of a team that has taken the research done at the school on the Eublepharis macularius, or the gecko,and looked at ways it can be applied to space refuse.Sticky SituationThere was the gecko adhesive work done at Stanford and a lab alumnus graduated and went to NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory, taking the technology with him, he says. When you want to grab something or recycle space junk, things are floating in space and there isnt any existing technology to handle it well. With gecko adhesives, maybe it could be different.The gecko, known for the stic kiness of its limbs, has long been a fascination for researchers, and Jiang and his team used the gecko as the model for their device.The gripper, inspired by the gecko, has a large array of modules to work with, he says. Upper level above it, is like a non-linear wrist that can take care of loading conditions. Eventually were looking to put in a robotic obere extremitt to interface with this gripper. For the gripper, if the astronaut is holding it, it has a handle affixed at the wrist and they attach the gripper to the target object, such as space junk, and it has a sensor to detect when it contacts with the object or aligns with the object, and it tightens at the wrist. When you grip, it feels stiff grasping and after that, you feel like the object is together with you so you can move the object around.Researchers combined gecko-inspired adhesives and a custom robotic gripper to create a device for grabbing space debris. Image Stanford UniversityThe object sticks to the target bec ause of the silicon material used on the devices adhesive pads, he says, but adds that what really matters is the microscopic structure of the silicon, similar to how the geckos hair structure is the key to its stickiness.You dont need to push with significant force for this, you just need a light touch, says Jiang. To make sure the load is as even as possible, they use a pulley system for the pads.To test how much force or movement the grippers can handle, the team went over to the Jet Propulsion Labs Robodrome, where two robots, each weighing 800 pounds, were floating on an air-hockey-like floor, simulating zero gravity. The gripper was attached to one robot and the team used it to drag the other robot around.The device was also tested extensively on zero-gravity airplane flights. We did 80 flights with about twenty to thirty seconds of zero-gravity time and then we tried to float the target object and grasp the object with the gripper, he says, Reaching even 2Gs, there was a lett ing go and grasping of objects, ones that were similar to a fuel tank, beach ball, and ice cube. The results so far show a good deal of potential.Eric Butterman is an independent writer. For Further DiscussionWhen you grip, it feels stiff grasping and after that, you feel like the object is together with you so you can move the object around.Hao Jiang, Stanford University
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Here are 8 common business trip mistakes you should avoid
Here are 8 common business trip mistakes you should avoidHere are 8 common business trip mistakes you should avoidBelieve it or not but many employees think business trips are simply free holidays but there is always a purpose and its never to party.Just because you are away from the office and perhaps out of the watchful eye of the boss or manager doesnt mean you can let standards slide.All too often there is a lack of focus on the purpose of the trip itself, with many workers viewing it as a fun trip rather than a business opportunity. This is particularly true for younger teams although even for managers and experienced execs it can be an issue, although they really should know better.Its worth reminding staff that just because they are away from cousine they still represent the company and the same standards that are expected in the office still apply on the road.Researchers from workplace expertsLondonOffices.comhave investigated the most common mistakes made by employees travel ling on business and how best to avoid them.They found that many executives viewed business trips as a chance to let their hair down away from home and for many this led to a fall in professional standards.Issues identified ranged from failing to prepare properly for meetings and being unclear on the purposes of the trip to getting horribly drunk and turning up for meetings late and reeking of alcohol.1. Being underpreparedPreparation is pivotal to a successful business trip, so make aya to research, plan and write the itinerary in advance.Another suitable precaution is to print out any relevant documents beforehand, as Wi-Fi can be unreliable, and reconfirm plans before departure, to avoid wasted time and costly cancellations.2. Booking a poor bed and breakfastRead plenty of online reviews to pick out the best hotel for your needs, but consider contacting them directly for a better price, and check the location dont stay off the beaten track and then spend the mornings stuck in loc al commuter traffic.3. Making a poor first impressionAvoid getting off on the wrong foot, dress appropriately know the context to avoid smart-casual when formal is necessary or vice versa. Greet with a firm but friendly handshake and smile, to show crucial confidence and consideration.Crucially dont overdo it in the hotel bar the night before a big meeting as turning up late, hungover and stinking of lager is definitely not going to impress.4. Getting the meals wrongUse online reviews to take the host to a restaurant with an appropriate atmosphere and cuisine to start fruitful relationship, but avoid dining in an expensive Michelin starred restaurant or draining the hotel mini-bar and only order room service as a last resort.It is also advisable to have breakfast in the hotel for time efficiency dont skip this meal and be under-fuelled for the busy day ahead.5. Forgetting about receiptsBusiness trips shouldnt hit employees in the pocket, so retain all relevant receipts to forward to accounts if it is not company policy to fully reimburse expenses, they can still be used for personal tax deductions.6. Being unproductive.Never forget that the trip is for business not leisure stick to the itinerary or the daily agenda will be unachievable. Dont waste time on minor tasks that could be completed via e-mail or phone, when other face to face priorities are more pressing.It might be a great idea to take the client out for a meal or a drink but that doesnt mean its ok to get hammered. Remember to act professionally at all times.7. Staying in a comfort zoneDoing business in a fresh location is a perfect opportunity to network with potential new clients or colleagues and to seek out personal development opportunities.A top tip is to ensure you have a healthy amount of business cards in your jacket or bag.8. OverworkingSpending a night or several travelling for business should not mean that regular hours are extended neglecting sleep, food or water does not create a heal thy business brain.Of course the company agenda remains the priority, but perhaps consider looking into the local entertainment options in the evening.This article originally appeared on YourCoffeeBreak.co.uk.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Overview of the Army Fraternization Policy
Overview of the Army Fraternization PolicyOverview of the Army Fraternization PolicyThe Army- and all branches of the military- maintain specific rules about fraternizing. The policy has been updated in throughout the years to reflect and better define acceptable and unacceptable relationships. The goal is not to discourage soldiers from having any interpersonal relationships, or to prevent team-building among units, but to avoid unfair treatment and the appearance of unfair treatment between an officer or NCO and his subordinates. Part of the challenge of writing and understanding the Armys policy is that fraternizing is sometimes used to mean an inappropriate or prohibited relationship when all three are different. Relationships to Avoid in the Army Essentially the rules seek to prevent inappropriate relationships between higher-ranking personnel and their subordinates. Relationships of the same and opposite genders are prohibited if they fall into any of the following categori es Compromise, or appear to compromise, the integrity of supervisory authority or the chain of commandCause actual or perceived partiality or unfairnessInvolve, or appear to involve, the improper use of rank or position for personal gainAre, or are perceived to be, exploitative or coercive in natureCreate an actual or clearly predictable adverse impact on discipline, authority, morale or the ability of the command to accomplish its mission Such relationships dont have to be sexual in nature to be prohibited. For instance, if an officer is spending more time with one of his subordinates than others, the appearance of favoritism could certainly arise. And an officer who spends time with subordinates in social settings, or who calls subordinates by their first names, for example, may bring his authority or fairness into question. Other Prohibited Relationships in the Army Some relationships between certain categories of soldiers, such as non-commissioned officers and enlisted perso nnel, are also prohibited under the Armys fraternization policy. These can include ongoing geschftsleben relationships dating or shared living accommodations (other than those necessary to Army operations) and sexual relationships and gambling, where one soldier may end up owing another money. Such relationships were not specifically covered under the Army policy until recently but were considered unwritten rules. Business Among Troops And there are some situations where the above rules dont apply. For instance, the business relationships clause doesnt apply to a landlord-tenant relationship, and one-time transactions like the sale of a car from one soldier to another are allowed. But the borrowing or lending of money and ongoing business relationships are not allowed among soldiers and NCOs. Soldiers who are married prior to joining the military are exempted from the anti-fraternization policy as well. Also, any relationship between permanent party training personnel and soldie rs not required by the training mission is prohibited. Army recruiters are also prohibited from having personal relationships with potential recruits. Consequences of Violating Fraternization Policies Commanders who discover violations of fraternization policy must choose the appropriate punishment. It may include counseling, reprimand, an order to cease, reassignment for one or both of the soldiers involved, administrative action or adverse action. More serious consequences could includenonjudicial punishment, separation, barring reenlistment, denial of a promotion, demotion, and even a court-martial. The best course of action for any Army personnel whos unsure of the specifics of the fraternization policy is to ask. Ideally, a soldier would consult a superior officer or a member of the staff judge advocate legal assistance team before engaging in a relationship that might be against the rules.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Write a LinkedIn Recommendation for Your Boss - The Muse
Write a LinkedIn Recommendation for Your Boss - The MuseWrite a LinkedIn Recommendation for Your Boss Experts agree To be an effective networker, dont think about what other people can do for you. Instead, focus on how you can provide value to them. Youll build stronger relationships, which will make your connections genuinely eager to do you favors- which means, in the end, youll come out ahead.Heres the problem. If youre young, relatively inexperienced, in a new industry, or without many connections, you dont have a ton of obvious opportunities to help others out.Luckily, I recently hit on an awesome way to give people a boost thats perfect for any professional without much networking currency (or any professional, really.)Ive been writing LinkedIn recommendations- leid for the people who work for me, but for the people above me.The WhyUsually our superiors write us recommendations, not the other way around. But recommendations on LinkedIn are different than the ones you might send in with a job application. On LinkedIn, its completely acceptable to have someone lower in the ranks recommending a higher-up. Its actually very helpful for the person being recommended, because it creates a holistic view of his or her work ethic, leadership style, skills, and so forth.Writing a recommendation for your boss also gives you a chance to thank him or her. We dont usually get the opportunity to give spontaneous thank-yous to our higher-ups, and this is the perfect non-awkward way to show your appreciation.Lastly, it increases your visibility. Suppose someone in your industry is browsing your managers page. He reads your (well-written) recommendation and ends up clicking on your profile. Now youre on his radar, too.The WhoWhomever you directly report to is an obvious choice. However, you can also recommend your bosss boss, the head of your department, the head of a different department- even the CEO. As long as youve worked closely enough with this person to give an accu rate and detailed portrayal of his or her strengths, qualifications, and standards, youre qualified to give a recommendation. Suppose youre wondering whether you should recommend Adam, whos several rungs above you on the company ladder. If your interactions are limited to a couple emails, conversation at office parties, and mutual attendance of some meetings, youre probably not close enough. However, if youre worked under him for a project, received training from him, or helped him put together a report, hed be a great choice.The HowI want all my recommendations to be honest, thoughtful, and detailed, so before I ever sit down to draft one, Ill take a weeks worth of notes. Basically, instead of just thinking, Oh, that was nice, when my boss (or whomever Im recommending) does something that makes me grateful, Ill write it down. After seven days is up, Ill review my notes. (If its someone I work with less frequently, Ill extend this process to two weeks or even a month.) Heres a sampl e listMonday Offered to teach me how to use new software.Tuesday Thanked me for my hard work answered all my emails quickly.Wednesday Helped me set up a meeting so I could learn more about other departments.Thursday Was understanding when I was late to our check-in and even stayed later so she could finish explaining something.Friday Asked me if I still wanted to learn how to use new software.By doing this, some trends usually leap out. Based on this list, Id characterize my boss as supportive, invested in my success, and good at communicating. Plus, now I have both specific traits to highlight and examples to back up my claims. For example, I could writeDylan is clearly interested in helping me grow as an employee. When our company started using a new leads-tracking software, she asked me if Id like her to show me how to use it (on her own time) because she knew I wanted to learn more about the sales side of the company. She also offered to arrange a meeting with some of the key me mbers of the sales and absatzwirtschaft teams so I could get more insight into their structure and goals. Whenever I have questions or concerns, Dylan responds right away- and even follows up later in the week or month to make sure my issues have been resolved. Her patience and willingness to help have made me motivated to do the best job I can.This is also a great opportunity to subtly reinforce someones best traits. If you praise your managers excellent listening qualities, chances are, hes going to be super attentive next time you come in with a project idea. If you thank the CEO of the company for her commitment to transparency, those all-staff meetings arent going away any time soon. Just make sure youre being honest- you dont want to write anything that will make the person think, What? I dont do that.(For more tips, check out our five-minute guide to writing amazing recommendations- weve even included some sample lines.)The RestAfter Ive crafted a really solid paragraph or tw o, Im usually eager to put it up on LinkedIn. However, I always check with the recommendee first. Some people are pretty picky about what goes on their page, and you dont want your nice gesture to become a faux pas. Heres how I ask for the green lightDear Dylan,I really enjoy working with you, and I want to show my appreciation with a LinkedIn recommendation. My first draft is below. Is there anything I should take out or add? Im happy to make any changes youd like.Also, please dont feel obligated to accept this recommendation- Id understand if you were trying to limit what goes on your profile In any case, thank you for being such a great supervisor.Best,AjaIt may seem funny to request permission to give a recommendation, but doing so gives people the option of tailoring your recommendation to fit their personal brand- and an easy out if they dont want your recommendation at all. (Its never happened to me, but people always say they appreciate being asked.)Once youve gotten the go- ahead or some edits, youre ready to uploadIve used this technique to do something useful for people with much more power, responsibility, and visibility than me. Will you try it? Let me know on TwitterPhoto of OK sign courtesy of Shutterstock.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Stay on Top of Changes to State Labor Laws
Stay on Top of Changes to State Labor LawsStay on Top of Changes to State Labor LawsStay on Top of Changes to State Labor Laws Berkowitz, Esq.Now that you have a handle on your requirements under Federal employment law, take a few minutes to review state labor laws.Every state has its own labor laws that work in tandem with their Federal counterparts.In most cases, if a states law is more generous to employees than the Federal law (such as a state that has a higher minimum wage), the state law will trump the Federal law.Laws that have seen changes by some states recently include the followingextremum wage and overtime rulesFamily and medical leave lawsIndependent contractor rules see your states Department of Labor website to make sure you are classifying and treating your independent contractors correctly. Louisiana and New Hampshire are two states that have recently changed their laws regarding independent contractors.E-Verify Compliance State MapAnti-discrimination laws that prot ect more groups than Federal law see your states Fair Employment Action Agency website.Read more Employment Law Small Business Updates
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Key to Successful Bookkeeper Resume Sample
The Key to Successful Bookkeeper Resume Sample A Secret Weapon for Bookkeeper Resume Sample Many accountant resume samples that you will binnensee online do bedrngnis supply the degree of detail necessary to assist you to structure yours. You need a computerized bookkeeping system in order to acquire quality reports. Sometimes you do your best and even then youre not able to score well in your home tasks. Though a bookkeepers basic tasks are enumerated above, the precise scope of the bookkeepers task can fluctuate based on the size of the organization and its financial capacity. Bookkeeper Resume Sample Can Be Fun for Everyone In the onset of your resume cover letter youve got to clarify which job youre hunting for. Then the ideal way is set a request I will need to acquire essay papers written. Looking at how others wrote their resumes can provide you some excellent ideas. It is possible to easily depend on us to find essay help as we have a tendency to assist and guide the students with the assistance of our professional experts. Who Else Wants to Learn About Bookkeeper Resume Sample? The part of a receptionist is quite crucial in any organization, and is frequently viewed as an entry level job that may change to numerous administrative tasks as time progresses. Bear in mind employment gaps, career trajectory, where youre in your industry, and where you intend on going. If youre looking for a job as an account executive, your resume must demonstrate you have the wisdom and experience essential to advise clients and manage finances. Irrespective of your degree of work practical expertise, your resume format is crucial to making your program stick out. If you cant locate any volunteer, you may also use a voice recorder, which youll be able to play back to hear yourself. A friendly and knowledgeable UAC advisor would be pleased to help you explore your alternatives and uncover the appropriate training solution and company plan to suit you. T he Certified Bookkeeper Resume template is for individuals who have a great deal of experience in the industry. By understanding what employers want to get, its possible to greatly simplify your work hunt. Landing a receptionist job in an industry-leading company may go a very long way in accelerating your career towards the target of a reputable office administrator. Resumes are hard to write since they need a lot of work from the writer. Universal Accounting is an exceptional post-secondary school. Remote jobs require a specific set of skills, however, regardless of what type of job it is. Job costing is vital to the success of understanding how much your projects are truly cost. Based on what field you opt to go into, a seasoned accounting and finance position would bring a salary in the scope of 68,000 to 109,000 dollars annually. Bookkeeping is a stable career choice that could often provide flexibility when it comes to hours and contracts. If its a payroll department , the assistant might be liable for entering employee data, like hours and advantages. Finance Assistant Job Description Sample The work description of a finance assistant covers providing a mix of finance and administrative guidance to their coworkers. Bookkeeper Resume Sample Can Be Fun for Everyone Bellow, you will discover a bookkeeper resume sample that youre able to download and edit depending on your experience and strengths. If you believe you have what it requires to be a bookkeeper, take a look at the courses available from ICI now. For many roles, accounting certifications matter, though some positions need other sorts of training. Obviously, the amount of your resume isnt only dictated by industry. Obviously, each job will call for unique abilities and experiences, so make certain you read the job description with care and concentrate on the skills listed by the employer. Even if youre asking for work by means of a reference, your resume still has to be great. Th e Fundamentals of Bookkeeper Resume Sample Revealed Sometimes youre going to be requested to ship your resume cover letter in an email in the area of distinct document. Its also smart to include your address. A single error of a single digit can cause tremendous issues. No matter your degree of work practical expertise, your resume format is vital to making your application stick out. You are able to also see academic resume. As soon as its almost a given that any prospective applicant will have accounting program experience, you still need to list each of the relevant applications on your bookkeeping resume. Computer skills on resumes are becoming more and more critical for accountants. There are lots of sample resumes on the net, but its sometimes hard to locate a Church Secretary Sample Resume. You may also see Resume Templates. Take a look at the free Ultimate Guide to the great Resume for everything you must know, including templates The template is straightforward to use. What is Actually Happening with Bookkeeper Resume Sample Its important to realize that the use of the bookkeeper is relied upon by other regions of the organization, and the businesss financial records are at stake. The important thing here is to appeal to what the employer is searching for in an employee. Internal auditor positions may draw in lots of well-qualified candidates. You will receive more interviews for bookkeeping positions if youre able to show prospective employers youre able to save them money, rather than simply record it. A superb small business plan demands good accounting and a seasoned bookkeeper. As the employer, if youve got the slightest confusion concerning the duties of a bookkeeper, you might get your concept clear from the work description. If youre employing a part-time bookkeeper, its crucial that you find somebody who will make your company a priority. Ultimately, the connection between a customer and a bookkeeper is sacred.
Monday, December 2, 2019
If you work in any of these fields, your fortunes for 2018 may be looking up.
If you work in any of these fields, your fortunes for 2018 may be looking up. We need gender neutral dress codes in the workplace. If you dont yet agree with that statement, look no farther than a 55-page presentation given to women executives at Ernst Young in a June 2018 training. pThe presentation, which made headlines last month when an offended participant from Forbes/a Employees should dress in business casual attire, which could include casual slacks and skirts, collared shirts, blouses, or sweaters. Inappropriate attire includes sportswear, jeans, and unkempt clothing, among other options. Please exercise good judgment.pFor business formal workplaces, you could use the following Traditional business attire, including dresses, suits, and pantsuits, is required for external meetings with clients or prospects. Employees should use discretion on other occasions and are expected to demonstrate good judgment. pAnd for casual workplaces, which are on th e rise from The Balance/a Dress comfortably for work, but please do bedrngnis wear anything that could offend your coworkers or make them feel uncomfortable. That includes clothing with profanity, hate speech, or exclusionary language. Your clothing, while casual, should show common sense and professionalism.pNo matter the level of formality your dress code needs to define, make sure youre thinking from the perspective of all employeescurrent as well as futureand creating an environment where they can thrive.p----pstrongWant to share these tips with your company? /strongShow them this handy one-page guide on creating a gender neutral dress code p class=shortcode-media shortcode-media-rebelmouse-image img alt=Gender Neutral Dress Code Guide class=rm-shortcode data-rm-shortcode-id=UGVL4K1574631551 data-rm-shortcode-name=rebelmouse-image data-runner-src=https//assets.rebelmouse.io/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpbWFnZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXNzZXRzLnJibC5tcy8yMjEwMDE3Ni9 vcmlnaW4uanBnIiwiZXhwaXJlc19hdCI6MTU3NDc2NjEyMX0.5akget5uOA_9aHMcPUxY1YM_Zn2w2Yhcj7m_HSCqg7I/img.jpg?width=980 id=a14b6 type=lazy-image/ pbr/
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